I got this book for christmas and I love it

Poppy Treffry (the author) is local, in the next village and her stuff is gorgeous. I wanted to learn how to use my machine for embroidery as I'm slightly scared of it (at heart I am a hand sewing girl!)

A, as always, loves the egg cosies but she hates boiled eggs. Every so often she tries to like them because she loves egg cups and cosies but it's just no good, she really doesn't like them.

So I decided to have a go at this lovely purse, I love the unfinished look of the flags and it's so solid seeming.

Well I rushed in, as I am prone to do, and didn't really look at the instructions properly at first and as a result my proportions are a little out and one set of my flags ended up upside down in the wrong place. But I still love it!

If you buy this book I recommend reading the instructions carefully because there are lots of little tip boxes scattered around and it can be a little confusing if like me you tend to rush in. But the projects are lovely, picnic blanket, cushions, curtains, coffee pot cosy and plenty of good advice on how to use your machine for embroidery.
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