Back from a week of hols in the North of England mainly visiting family but also a day in Bradford at the national media museum (loved it and so did grandma and the boys, little girl stayed with little girl cousins). We also visited the Salt Mills just North of Bradford, the most amazing, gigantic bookshop I have ever been into, sewing books that I can never normally find, the most stunning selection of graphic books and Edward Gorey, whom I love, and never ever ever normally see anywhere at all.
Now we're back and cycling (we eat an awful lot of pudding when visiting). Eldest has been for his first day at college, in fact the first day in his life at any sort of educational establishment, a little overwhelming but hopefully it will serve his purpose as he has decided he would like to study some GCSE's. This is actually a retake course but free opportunities to study GCSE's as a home ed boy are non existent, so he has waited an extra year and is about to start them now at 16 and do four in a year. This should enable him to do 'A' levels, apparently impossible at 16 without GCSE's. I am hoping that if the government really do intend to implement the Badman report then qualifications, if the other two want them, won't be so difficult or expensive. I suppose that would be a positive aspect to the Badman report.
And now I had better get back to planning my children's year in detail as Badman requires and of course then the minor problem of actually following up any of my planning!
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